Your lawyer and notary in Berlin

Yes, we notarize your documuments in english!

Your Notary in Berlin

As a lawyer and notary in Berlin, Grischa Sebastian Franke advises German and international companies and private individuals.

Are you looking for legal or notarial advice? Contact us with confidence. We are at your side with help and advice.

Notar Berlin, Grischa Franke, Notar in Berlin, Rechtsanwalt Berlin, Notar Charlottenburg, Rechtsanwalt und Notar Lichtenrade


Notary Berlin - Property sales

Would you like to buy or sell a house, an apartment or a plot of land in Berlin? Then contact the Franke notary team without obligation.

We will also take care of the creation of your land charge as well as all matters relating to donation.

We found your company

You would like to found your own GmbH or UG (haftungsbeschränkt)? You are thinking about setting up a holding structure?

We are happy to assist you and your start up company. We also take care of share purchase agreements.

Marriage contract

Are you looking for a notary to draw up your marriage contract? We are your notary in Berlin when it comes to matrimonial property regimes, maintenance and pension equalisation.

We will draft your prenuptial agreement together with both parties. Get in touch with us today and let us advise you free of charge and without obligation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Always at your service

We look forward to hearing from you!

Always at your service

We look forward to hearing from you!